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At present he is a little-known author, having only written two books - both of which
you will find amongst our travel and holiday pages, under the section marked 'General AAS'.
It is an intensely amusing observation of the detailed behaviour that is inherently English.Personally, I
dislike this particular treatise because I find it over-generalised with references to the English when
it might be better to refer to those people as British. Kate Fox focuses on
her observances of English behaviour and practices which, admittedly are often totally alien to people
from other nationalities: however, her treatise would have been more balanced had she entitled her
book "Watching the British: The Hidden Rules of Regional British". During this sojourn she also
accumulated 29 proposals of marriage, had a brush with frost bite and got hit by
a bus! She also got chased by a man in his birthday suit, brandishing a
gun! Why did she undertake this mammoth odyssey? You'll have to read the book to
find out - turn to our Travel and Holiday section where you will find the
story of this woman's amazing travels listed, along with a diversity of other titles.Would you
Put this into the Travel Category?As with any other genre, the travel and holiday category
does not stand alone, but rubs shoulders with essay writing such as a writer's observations
on the peoples of a specific nation. If you want to read it [and you
should] you need to pop it into your basket and head for our checkout. This
book is remarkably cheaper here than in many other places so, apart from being a
good read that will make you laugh, it is good value as well.Atlases tn & MapsSatnav
sales may be increasing but, is there a corresponding plummet in the sales of atlases
and maps? Overall, figures taken from Nielsen BookScan reveal that the travel genre overall saw
a fall of 8.7% on the total sales from the previous year. Added to that,
lumping English people together when the people of Cornwall, as a prime example, consider themselves
completely unique to the rest of England - as do the people in the North
of England - is a vast over-generalisation and could well continue to perpetuate the myth
amongst foreigners that England constitutes the whole of the United Kingdom when, in fact, the
English are just one nationality amongst their regional cousins, all of whom are governed separately
and independently for the most part and whose peoples are totally and completely different to
the ideal and popular perception of the English.Guidebook SeriesVolume sales of travel and holiday guidebooks
in general have seen a slump of 4.8% in 2008 according to Stanfords, a bookshop
in London. The year 2008 saw sales of atlases and maps down by 19.6% in
value - a factor that retailers are attributing to internet route-finders and satellite navigation increasing
in popularity.Tourism & Leisure StudiesOne thing you probably wouldn't think of in relation to tourism
and leisure is the impact of politics associated with leisure pursuits. It is fair to
say that a travelogue tends to be more directly allied with literature about al fresco
events than about proceedings taking place within the boundaries of buildings of one sort or
another.A prime example of this kind of travel writing is 'Just a Little Run Around
the World' by Rosie Swale Pope. While both his books make nike tn excellent reading, the book
I am specifically referring to here is "Happyslapped by a Jellyfish". Why have I made
this comment? If you are Welsh, Scottish or Irish, you will know exactly what I
am talking about.Countries and RegionsForeigners tend to make this over-generalisation that, if they say 'English'
it's a catch-all word covering with whole of the British Isles. While this research was
carried out in The Netherlands, this is true of any country which depends on tourism
as a major source of their economy, affecting everything from planning regulations to the development
of their infrastructure to take into account huge influxes of tourists during the strategic months.
Adventure World Magazine records that, during her travels, Rosie's trip took her five years during
which she encountered three packs of wolves, and wore out 53 pairs of shoes -
to paraphrase the sub-title of her book: "....5 Years, 3 Packs of Wolves and 53
Pairs of Shoes". The book is humorous and witty - and I am not going
to say any more about it. Travel WritingWhen it comes to travel writing, the literature
can narrate the writer's experiences that occur during those travels, the people the writer meets
and the ambience and aesthetic appeals the writer may be experiencing - these all go
into a travelogue. It would be interesting to hear what readers of this site think
- what do you attribute to this loss in sales of the ubiquitous guidebook series?
Write in and tell us what you think.One of my all-time favourites when it comes
to travel and holiday writing, is Karl Pilkington. Truth be told, nothing could be further
from the truth: Kate Fox fails to make any distinction between the individual identities of
the countries and regions that make up the British Isles - all of which have
distinct and regional differentiations that have absolutely no reference to the comments Kate Fox is
making in her book. The title says it all! Pilkington describes this book as a
travel guide although, equably it could fit just as easily into the autobiography genre -
as well as various other sub-genres as well. This is a factor focused on by
the Nijmegen University in The Netherlands, with their research centred on the close proximity between
tourism and leisure, geographic perspectives and the impacts on these pursuits by social and planning
activities. Those guidebooks that specialise in advising visitors where to eat and drink and where
to stay has really taken a knock: this sub-genre has lost 20.9% in sales value
over the past year. An excellent example of this sub-genre would be Kate Fox' "Watching
the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour". Their studies centre on the link between
man and his environment and between concepts of space-time together with supply and demand, all
of which culminates in burgeoning political interest in tourism and leisure as an industry.Basically, in
a nutshell, the impact that tourism and the need for leisure facilities have on the
environment in which people live has a direct effect on planning issues and the economics
of the country involved. The principles and practice of tourism and leisure studies form the
basis of the book "Leisure and Recreation Management" written by Dr George Torkildsen who has
been instrumental in teaching, management and writing about the leisure industry and tourism management generally
for the whole of his career.Snazal - Buy Travel Books.
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