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People are beginning to think of planting flowers. Spring also brings a new set of sports.
Nature is coming alive, the birds are returning and it is a joy to be
outside. Spring rains are welcome and seem to wash off all of the winter dirt.Kids
in school enjoy shedding their coats at recess time to play on the playground equipment.
Everyone is ready to enjoy the warmer days and watch Mother Nature spring into action.
Even the pets are more active. Nothing is nike tn growing and all of nature's colors are
gone.Spring makes a big difference in our lives. Golf clubs and fishing poles are brought
out of storage. Kids are playing in the yard, riding bicycles, rollerblading or flying kites.
Gardens are tilled and seeds are purchased. The dogs are chasing balls or rolling in
the grass. The grass is getting green, leaves are coming out on the trees and
those early tulips, jonquils and daffodils are emerging from the ground. Schools are getting into
their Nike Requin track, baseball and golf seasons. It is great to be able to sit in
the grandstands enjoying a sport as well as the fresh air. The cats may just
be soaking up the sun.Welcome Spring into your home. Enjoy shopping from the comfort of
your home. The days are short and night comes on all too quickly. If you
live in the northern part of the United States you get so tired of wearing
coats and other winter clothing. Change your home decor by adding new vases, flowers or
figurines.Spring is always so welcome because it often follows a long, dreary winter. We have
many quality items to select from and low prices. What a joy to leave your
coat in the closet, go outside and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is time
to think about bird houses, garden statues, wind chimes, pots for your plants, water fountains
and solar lights. Open your windows and let in some of that fresh air. Check
with us at BonniesGardenStatuesandHomeDecor.net.
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